INTO // (in)to: a durational performance ritual for connection; performed at IMPACT Festival April 2024
what is a ritual?
A ritual is a purposeful, sacred container utilized to honor, acknowledge, and protect various aspects of our lives. From personal to communal grief, ecological and environmental grief, collective celebration, honoring of change, or memorializing a moment, rituals have been used throughout centuries and across species. Regardless if they are done alone or in a group, they are always in collaboration with the land and creative life all around us– fire, water, air, earth, plants, animals, etc.
Since 2019, I have co-created rituals with folks in group and 1:1 settings. Rituals that seek to honor their changing body, such as that through pregnancy, aging, medicine/surgery, or more. Rituals for communal processing of grief from COVID-19. Rituals in celebration of a union of love, in celebration of self. Rituals to name and reclaim a spirituality that holds their queer identity. Rituals to call in community, to reclaim love inside loneliness. Rituals to honor our dreams and desires in and for community. And rituals even for grieving and celebrating a moving from a home. These rituals have been offered in private ceremonies, public performances, and in communal celebrations.
Interested in custom ritual? feeling like you are needing a catalyst for change, honoring, grieving and celebrating? I would love to co-create a ritual for you or your community.
Why I say Co-Create:
I say “co-create” because you and I will create this together. The process looks like this: we will have a 30 minute consultation call so I can hear more about what you desire and make sure I am a right fit for the space you are seeking. From here, I will craft a series of 5-10 questions for you/your community to journal, reflect, and ponder on your own time. You will send these answers back to me, answering at least 3-5 of them, and I will craft your ritual based off of these two experiences.
These rituals can be done alongside me (virtually or online), with me guiding you more directly along the way, or on your own/solo, with a loved-one, or in a community setting, or any combination of these.
“The whole event felt like a collective prayer to goodness and one another...
People were crying tears of joy and there’s a surreal kind of love that comes with exchanging the most vulnerable aspects of our lives with people we may have just met. Madi cultivates this kind of love - it’s the magic of found family, vulnerability, and kind of hope that Madi permits us to dream about. ”
Madison is pictured washing the feet of someone as part of “I hope there is bread in heaven.” A ritual around queer spirituality.
What the rituals may involve:
creative elements (visual art, writing, music, movement– don’t worry, this is just for you! you don’t have to share this with me or anyone else, unless you want to)
food or drinking elements
customized altar bags, candles, or crystals
various items that reflect you (brought by me or by yourself)
questions around embodiment (IE: Where do you feel delight in your body? If delight had a color, what color would it be?)
Cost of this work:
All of my offerings are at a sliding scale. Because these rituals are all customizable, they can be structured to you and your budget. Regardless, I spend at least 1 hour in tailoring and channeling a ritual for you/your community. There is then an additional 1 hour - 3 hours of us being in space together (if you would desire me to be present with you for the ritual experience). In addition to supplies, ritual material, and the various nuances of each person and community’s needs, the price of this various tremendously. On average (not including sliding scale), you can expect these to vary from $75-$450. See image to the right for more information on sliding scale. This image was taken from Embodied Astrology’s resources in helping explain sliding scale offerings.
What do you gain?
You will leave with a ritual you can do again and again. I will not only type up the ritual for you to do on your own, but rituals are meant to be repeated! For instance, if you need a ritual for celebration of change, we are always changing! Perhaps in five years, you can return to this ritual and adapt it as you see fit for your new needss in five years time.
A sense of completion, protection, and honoring. We all seek rituals for various reasons and various ideas. I believe rituals to be a threshold, a doorway, leading us from one experience to the next. Sometimes we just need a sacred space to honor that transition and move us into the next.
“Madi has a gift for listening to someone voice a desire, a dream, a feeling, and crafting it into a beautiful ritual that makes you feel heard, seen, safe and alive.”
Jana Latchaw Milbourn, mother, director, actor
What if I am not a spiritual person? Is this work still for me?
Only you can answer that, truly! But I believe, if you are feeling called to this work and specifically called to work with me, listen to that intuition and gut feeling. While I am a spiritual person and do believe this work to be spiritual, I do not expect you to believe or hold the same systems or structures that I do.
And! I believe our lives are built upon rituals. We hold rituals all the time in our day-to-day life. Your morning coffee routine? a ritual. Your nightly bathtub soak? a ritual. This is just another container to honor that transition. What type or amount of spiritual belief you bring into this is yours. Regardless, we will honor the body, honor the self, honor the story that wants to be told.
Why might I seek or desire a ritual?
feeling stuck and wanting to create momentum or redirection in your life
honor a big life change (a move, a career or job change, a relationship change, etc.)
celebration (birthdays, new life, unions, etc.)
process emotions (grief, confusion, delight, etc.)
to call something new into your life (rest, love, personal creativity, sensuality with self, and more!)
to gift to someone you love and care for
Coming Soon
- Customized Ritual Bags
- How to build your own altar
- Ritual and Photography pairing with Jillian Guthrie
- Wanting to know more about these in the mean time?
Send an email or book a consultation.