Madison is available for workshop opportunities, panels, and speaking engagements.
Workshop Opportunties
Art has the power to heal and unlock the stories of our bodies. Through movement, imagining, and the belief that all humans have the potential for creativity and play, Madison engages her workshop participants as equal learners in the discipline of life.
Madi has taught poetry, theater, creative writing, embodied healing/movement in after school programs, schools, community centers, houseless shelters, colleges, community centers, and more. She has a BA in English Creative Writing and is currently enrolled in Tamalpa Institute to receive a certification in expressive arts therapy (2024). She has taught in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Europe.
To review her full workshop experience, please see her CV.
“She is a true educator and advocate for growing the artist found in all of us. After six years of working with her, I continue to be impressed with her intentional design of lessons, commitment to sharing her deep knowledge of the art world and the healing power of the arts. Besides becoming more confident in leading student poets, I continue to learn from her authenticity and compassion.”
Leading workshop at Sacred Feminine Retreat, Fall 2018
Speaking Opportunities
Madison has been on panels for the arts, art education, arts and antiracism, embodied healing, and more. Please use contact page for all inquiries.
Interested in having Madison teach or speak at your event?
Reach out to her via the contact page! She would love to hear from you.